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Writer's picturePoh Ern Shih Admin

为您的2023年祈福!|Give your 2023 a blessed beginning!

法会详情 | Puja Details

A)欢送年末 | Goodbye 2022

31 Dec 2022

供灯 | Light offering - $10

晚上十一点至凌晨十二点半将举行敲钟仪式。 目的是要为十方众生祈福、消灾。极力推荐各位的踊跃参与! There will be a ceremony to sound the Holy Bell from 11pm to 12.30am. It is meant to bless all sentient beings. Participation is encouraged!

B)迎接元旦 | Hello 2023

1 Jan 2023

药师坛洒净 | Blessing at Medicine Buddha Altar

供灯 | Light offering - $10

供佛 | Offering to the Buddha - $20 供寿桃寿面 | Offer longevity buns & noodles - $20

供水果花篮 | Offer fruits & flowers basket - $38

供如意斋 | Offer vegetarian meal - $100

全套 | Entire set - $188

报名方式 | Registration

Whatsapp (9639 2440)

电话| Landline (6474 3926)

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