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Writer's picturePoh Ern Shih Admin

觀世音菩薩成道日、出家日法會|Guanyin Bodhisattva Enlightenment Day & Ordination Day Puja 2024

法会日期|Puja dates

Enlightenment Day | 成道日

July 24 2024 | 农历六月十九

Ordination Day|出家日

October 21 2024|农历九月十九

各法会登记选项|Offering options per Puja

供灯 | Light Offering - $10

供佛 | Offering to Buddha - $20

供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - $20

供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - $38

供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal- $100

供养善信们的名字将记录在如意斋条上。 Each registrant's name will be recorded on a Prosperity Strip。

全套 | Entire set - $188

报名方式 | Registration

Order on Whatsapp Catalog:

Chat on Whatsapp (9639 2440)

电话| Landline (6474 3926)

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