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报恩寺卫塞节庆祝活动 | Poh Ern Shih Vesak Day Celebrations 2024

关于卫塞节|About Vesak Day




More than 2,500 years ago on Vesak Day, we witnessed the birth, enlightenment and the entering of nirvana of the Buddha. Buddha's teachings is very expansive and though very few people could grasp its entirety in a single lifetime, the Buddha had left behind numerous ways to ease into Buddhist thought so much so that practice can be done anywhere, anytime, till one gains freedom from all suffering.

We live in an increasingly chaotic and complex era - a world where division between people and nations has become more and more severe. It is precisely so that celebrating Vesak Day has become all the more important - other than remembering the Buddha, the more crucial task is to remind ourselves that compassion and positivity are gifts that can improve everyone's lives.

Being here and reading this means you have some level of affinity with Buddha's teachings. Regardless whether this is your first time reading something about Buddhism or you've been practicing for many years, Poh Ern Shih hopes to assist your journey with this year's celebrations. May all of us gain enough wisdom to be free from suffering.

当天流程|Celebration schedule

10am - 浴佛、持诵金刚经 | Bathing the Buddha; Diamond Sutra recitation

浴佛是净化自己内心的一种表态。通过浴佛,我们在向诸佛菩萨请求加持,让我们能够尽快地袪除心里的贪欲、瞋恨、愚痴。浴佛也有许多功德,包括:现受富乐,无病延年; 亲友眷属,悉皆安稳; 于所愿求,无不遂意;常见诸佛、恒持正法; 人所敬奉,生欢喜心等等。

Bathing the Buddha is an expression of one's desire to purify ourselves. Through this ritual, we are essentially inviting blessings from the heavenly beings to assist us in removing hatred, greed and ignorance from our hearts. This ritual also brings numerous forms of merits, including longevity, good health, blessed family members & friends, all benign wishes coming true, gaining respect from others, as well as never straying from the Buddhist path for eternity.

11am to 2pm - 义卖会 | Charity Bazaar


Poh Ern Shih is once again bringing back our charity bazaar this year. We will be inviting the elderly to enjoy the prosperous atmosphere on Vesak Day. We appeal for your kind donation to make the bazaar a huge success!

11am - 供佛 | Offering to the Buddha

6pm - 三步一拜 | 3 steps 1 prostration


Every prostration represents one's gratitude and respect towards the Buddha. It also represents the will to repent for evil deeds committed in the past, purifying one's actions, speech and mind to redeem inner peace.

7.30pm - 传灯 | Light passing

护持方式|Options to support the event

供灯 | Light Offering - $10

传灯 | Light passing - $10

供花 | Flower offering to the Buddha - $20

供佛 | Offering to Buddha - $20

供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - $20

供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - $38

万字灯 | Swastika light - $100

供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal- $100

特别活动 | Special initiative

赞助樂齡人士在义卖会中享用美食、感受吉祥与温暖的氛围 | Sponsor the elderly to enjoy a meal at the charity bazaar and let them soak in the prosperous vibes of Vesak Day

每人$10 | $10 per elderly

报名方式 | Registration

Whatsapp message (9639 2440)

Add to cart on Whatsapp catalog (click here)

电话| Landline (6474 3926)

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