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药师琉璃光如来消灾延寿法会|Medicine Buddha Blessing Puja 2022


供养选项|Offering Options


For entire period of 10 - 24 October (15 days)

1. 《八供》供养药师佛 | 8 Offerings to Medicine Buddha

  • 个人或合家|Individual or Group registration - $288

《八供》里的供品 (饮水、浴水、花、香、灯、香水、食物、乐) 代表着我们在这世界上所拥有的一切 (色、声、香、味、触)。当我们在佛菩萨前供养这些物品的时候,我们是在象征性地把我们的一切奉献给三宝,并为自己和众生累计福德资粮。但更重要的目的是让自己的身、语、意得到清净并向三轮体空的正行迈进一步。

Items included in the 8 Offerings (drinking water, bathing water, flowers, incense, light, perfume, food, music) represent all our senses in this world (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch). Therefore, 8 Offerings symbolically means we offer the totality of our existence and possessions to the Dharma, with the sincere intention to purify our thoughts, words and actions. This also helps bring merits to ourselves and all sentient beings, and move all of us closer towards Enlightenment.

2. 供佛 (诵药师经)| Offering to Buddha (Medicine Buddha Sutra chanting)

  • 个人或合家|Individual or Group registration - $280

3. 供养药师经轮灯 | Medicine Buddha Dharma Wheel Light

  • 个人或合家|Individual or Group registration - $198

4. 供灯 | Light offering

  • 团体灯|Shared common light - $20 per pax

  • 个人灯|Individual light - $98 per pax

  • 合家灯|Group light - $128 per group


Only on 24 October (1 day)

  • 供灯 | Light Offering - $10

  • 供佛 | Offering to Buddha - $20

  • 供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - $20

  • 供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - $38

  • 供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal- $100

  • 全套 | Entire set - $188

报名方式 | Registration

Whatsapp (9639 2440)

电话| Landline (6474 3926)

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