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农历七月地藏法会系列 | Lunar 7th month Ksitigarbha Puja Series 2022




As Poh Ern Shih follows the teachings of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, other than Vesak Day, the 7th Lunar Month is the busiest period for us each year. Through a series of 5 Pujas, we take this opportunity to pay tribute to the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and at the same time help bless sentient beings who come our way.

Kindly have a look at the schedule below and plan how you would like to participate. There is no limitation to the number of Pujas you can register for.

供养选项|Offering Options

地藏法会有两大组的供养选项 |Offerings are split into 2 main categories:

Category A

一般供养 (限阳上众生) | General offerings (strictly meant for the living). Suitable for yourself, other individuals or groups of other loved ones

Category B

超荐牌位 (限已故亲人眷属及往生众生) | Afterlife tablets (strictly meant for ancestors, loved ones who passed on and sentient beings in the lower realms of suffering)

登记大牌位需知 | Information required when registering for Big Ancestral Tablet

登记小牌位需知 | Information required when registering for Small Ancestral Tablet


*Note: Deceased individuals listed on a Big Tablet must have blood relations with you i.e. either a direct family member or relative. If you wish to bless a deceased friend, an animal/pet which passed on, or even an old neighbour who's no longer around, please register for a Small Tablet instead. You can also bless deceased members of your direct family or deceased relatives via the Small Tablet as well.

报名方式 | Registration

Whatsapp (9639 2440)

电话| Landline (6474 3926)

常见问题 | FAQ

Q1: 这么多种选项和法会, 该选哪个?| With multiple Pujas and offering options available, how should I go about choosing them?

A1: 各个法会有自己的缘起和含义,一切得看自己本身与哪一尊菩萨或法门相印。例如如果自己与净土法门比较相印,您可选择供养七月十三的《大势至菩萨圣诞法会》。供养选项方面,可以依照自己的经济能力选择。如果非得选,可以考虑为冤亲债主和历代祖先登记小牌位!

Each Puja has its own origin and purpose. Your choice depends on what your intuition tells you. For example, if you feel more connected with an image of Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva (Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa), you may consider registering for the Puja on 10 August. Likewise, if you can relate with the intentions behind Ullambana Festival, then feel free to register for it. As for offering option, your choice can depend on your economic situation. Minimally, it's best to register a small tablet for Karmic Debtors and Family Ancestors each.


Regardless of which Puja and offering type, what matters most is sincerity. If one carries a sincere intention to pay tribute and help sentient beings, the divine will surely protect the person. That is not to say one cannot pray for their personal wishes to come true, and if we can expand these wishes to include praying for the well-being of all sentient beings, then the effect may be better. Compassion and empathy for others, not just for oneself, is key.

Q2: 什么是蒙山和焰口?它们的差别在哪里?| What is Meng Shan and Yan Kou? What is the difference between the two?

A2: 从佛教的法会程序来说,蒙山与焰口有各自的仪轨。但它们背后的含义是一样的:都是要度脱这些众生,让它们早日离苦得乐。蒙山的下施对象是鬼道众生,而焰口的对象是饿鬼道众生。由于饿鬼道众生的嘴有剧烈的火焰,所以需要焰口的仪轨来让它们的嘴吧暂时停止吐火,好让它们可以进食。当这些众生因为法会而心境暂时得到舒缓时,它们就更能听闻佛法并往解脱迈进。因此,护持蒙山和焰口的功德不可思议!

During a Puja, Meng Shan and Yan Kou each has its own specific ritual. Nevertheless, the intention is the same: to guide beings in the lower realms towards Enlightenment. While through Meng Shan we offer food to beings in the Ghost Realm, through Yan Kou we do the same but specifically towards Hungry Ghosts. Due to their past deeds, these beings' mouths are permanently on fire, making it impossible for them to feed, which is why they are always hungry. Yan Kou temporarily removes the fire and enables the beings to finally receive nourishment. This gives them comfort (Meng Shan does the same too), which encourages them to take in the Buddha's teachings (through reciting scriptures at the Puja) and start gaining enough merit to leave the lower realms. Therefore, registering for Meng Shan or Yan Kou is a very compassionate deed that generates a lot of good merit not just for the lower realm beings but definitely also for yourself!

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