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作家相片Poh Ern Shih Admin

报恩寺癸卯年春节祈福法会系列|Poh Ern Shih Year of the Water Rabbit Lunar New Year Puja Series 2023

法会日期|Puja dates

随喜在任何法会里登记任何选项。不限登记法会次数 | Feel free to choose any option under any Puja. Not limit to the number of Pujas one can register for.

A) 农历正月初一 (弥勒佛诞)| Lunar New Year Day 1 (Maitreya Buddha Birthday) 22 Jan 2023

  • 供灯(单日) | Light Offering (Single day) - 单名 $10 per name

  • 供佛 | Offering to Buddha - 单名 $20 per name

  • 供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - 单名 $20 per name

  • 供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - 单名 $38 per name

  • 供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal - 单名 $100 per name

  • 全套 | Entire set - $188

B) 农历正月初九 (供诸天) | Lunar New Year Day 9 (Offering to Dharma Protectors) 30 Jan 2023

  • 供如诸天 | Offering to Dharma Protectors i.e. Heavenly Deities - 单名 $50 per name

  • 供灯(单日) | Light Offering (Single day) - 单名 $10 per name

  • 供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - 单名 $20 per name

  • 供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - 单名 $38 per name

  • 供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal - 单名 $100 per name

  • 全套 | Entire set - $218

C) 农历正月十五 | Lunar New Year Day 15 5 Feb 2023

  • 供灯(单日) | Light Offering (Single day) - 单名 $10 per name

  • 供佛 | Offering to Buddha - 单名 $20 per name

  • 供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - 单名 $20 per name

  • 供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - 单名 $38 per name

  • 供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal - 单名 $100 per name

  • 全套 | Entire set - $188

D) 农历新年祈福 (正月初一至十五) | Lunary New Year Day 1 - 15 22 Jan to 5 Feb 2023

  • 集体灯 | Group Light Offering - 单名 $20 per name

  • 供油灯 | Oil lamp offering - 单名 $98 per name, 合家 $128 per group

  • 福禄米斗 | Prosperity Rice Bucket - $218 可登记15个名字|Up to 15 individual names

供养选项照片|Images of offering options

1. 供灯(单日) | Light Offering (Single day) - 单名 $10 per name

2. 集体灯 | Group Light Offering - 单名 $20 per name

3. 供油灯 (正月初一至十五)| Oil lamp offering (Lunar New Year Day 1 to 15)

单名|Single name - $98

合家|Group - $128

4. 供佛 | Offering to Buddha - 单名 $20 per name


Registrants' names will be noted down in the "Heavenly Blessings Record", which the Puja master will read out in front of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas.

5. 供寿桃寿面 | Longevity peach & noodles - 单名 $20 per name

6. 供水果花篮 | Fruit and flowers - 单名 $38 per name

7. 供如诸天 | Offering to Dharma Protectors i.e. Heavenly Deities - 单名 $50 per name

8. 供如意斋 | Vegetarian meal - 单名 $100 per name

供养善信们的名字将记录在如意斋条上|Each registrant's name will be recorded on a Prosperity Strip

图案1仅供参考|First image for illustration purpose only

9. 福禄米斗 | Prosperity Rice Bucket - $218

可登记15个名字|Up to 15 individual names

报名方式 | Registration

Whatsapp (9639 2440)

电话| Landline (6474 3926)

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